
Counselling support for baby loss (miscarriage, neonatal death, still birth and medical termination), unintended pregnancy and termination.

Dealing with Termination

Following a termination, you may have experienced confusing emotions such as grief, guilt, anger, sadness and relief or you may have felt depressed. Whether the termination was recent or many years ago it can impact your well being as well as your relationships at home and /or in the workplace.

Our trained counsellors will give you the opportunity to explore the different emotions you may be experiencing and help you to work through them towards recovery.

Feedback from a client who had a termination and was struggling.

“Doing the post termination recovery programme at CedarOak made me more emotionally stable and able to cope with difficult situations and has given me a better self image about myself and helped me learn to forgive myself and others. I found the session where I went through the details of the termination and specifically my baby helpful because it helped me let down a barrier and get a weight off my chest.”